Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Greenes - Hold On

When theres no step left to take.
No moves left to make. Oppressing fears, tormenting doubts,
prayer after prayer still there is no way out.
And it seems like pain is all you gain.

Hold on, hold on.
Through every storm, hold on.
Even in the darkest night,
Walk by faith not sight.
Hold on, hold on.

First there is a Father of love,
holding peace like a dove.
In the midst of all your dark despair,
with open arms He is waiting there.
Just holding you, till your hurt is gone.

Read more:

1 comment:

Jason Craven said...

What an amazing Testimony that Tony has. From his brightest hour to his darkest, even to his last hour, he was holding on.

This is a song that ministers to sick, the down trodden, and those that are on top of the mountain. It tells them no matter what comes your way hold on.

I love it.